Source code for texttables.fixed._reader

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 Taylor C. Richberger <>
# This code is released under the license described in the LICENSE file

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip
from six import Iterator
from numbers import Integral

from texttables.dialect import Dialect
from texttables.errors import ValidationError

[docs]class reader(Iterator): """Fixed-table table reader, reading tables with predefined column-sizes. The :class:`texttables.Dialect` class is used to configure how this reads tables. This is an iterable, returning rows from the table as tuples. Iteration can raise a :class:`texttables.ValidationError` if an invalid table is read.""" def __init__(self, file, widths, dialect=None, fieldnames=None, **fmtparams): """ :param file: An iterable object, returning a line with each iteration. :param widths: An iterable of widths, containing the field sizes of the table. Each width may be prefixed with <, >, =, or ^, for alignment through the Python format specification, though these prefixes will be ignored if they are present. :param dialect: A dialect class or object used to define aspects of the table. The stored dialect is always an instance of :class:`texttables.Dialect`, not necessarily the passed-in object. All the attributes of Dialect are grabbed from this object using getattr. :param fieldnames: An iterable specifying the field names. If this is absent, field names are pulled from the table. This will change how the table is read. If this parameter is present, the table may not have a header. If this parameter is absent, the table must have a header. Either way, the field names of the table must be delivered to this class in one way, and exactly only one way. :param fmtparams: parameters to override the parameters in :obj:`dialect`. """ self._file = file self._iter = iter(file) self._widths = list() for width in widths: if isinstance(width, Integral): self._widths.append(width) else: swidth = str(width) try: width = int(swidth) except ValueError: width = int(swidth[1:]) self._widths.append(width) self._widths = tuple(self._widths) self.dialect = dialect for attribute in dir(self.dialect): if '__' not in attribute: if attribute in fmtparams: setattr(self._dialect, attribute, fmtparams[attribute]) self._fieldnames = fieldnames self.__foundtop = not self.dialect.top_border self.__top = None if self.dialect.top_border: self.__top = self._rowdelim(self.dialect.top_border) self.__header = None if self._fieldnames: self.__foundheader = True else: self.__foundheader = not self.dialect.header_delimiter if self.dialect.header_delimiter: self.__header = self._rowdelim(self.dialect.header_delimiter) self.__foundbottom = not self.dialect.bottom_border self.__finished = False self.__bottom = None if self.dialect.bottom_border: self.__bottom = self._rowdelim(self.dialect.bottom_border) self.__row_delimiter = None if self.dialect.row_delimiter: self.__row_delimiter = self._rowdelim(self.dialect.row_delimiter) self.__first_line = True self.__foundrow = False @property def file(self): '''The file object that was passed in to the constructor. It is not safe to change this object until you are finished using the class''' return self._file @property def widths(self): '''The widths that were passed into the constructor, as a tuple, with any alignments stripped.''' return self._widths @property def dialect(self): '''The :class:`texttables.Dialect` constructed from the passed-in dialect. This is always unique, and is not the same object that is passed in. Assigning to this will also likewise construct a new :class:`texttables.Dialect`, not simply assign the attribute.''' return self._dialect @dialect.setter def dialect(self, value): self._dialect = Dialect() if value is not None: for attribute in dir(self._dialect): if '__' not in attribute: setattr(self._dialect, attribute, getattr(value, attribute)) @property def fieldnames(self): '''The table's fieldnames as a tuple. This will invoke a read on the file if this method has not been called and this object hasn't yet been iterated upon. :raises texttables.ValidationError: if the table does not properly match the dialect ''' if not self.__foundtop: line = next(self._iter).strip('\r\n') if self.dialect.strict and line != self.__top: raise ValidationError('The first line of the table did not match what the top of the table should be') self.__foundtop = True if not self._fieldnames: line = next(self._iter).strip('\r\n') self._fieldnames = self._getline(line) if not self.__foundheader: line = next(self._iter).strip('\r\n') if self.dialect.strict and line != self.__header: raise ValidationError("The header of the table wasn't properly delimited") self.__foundheader = True return self._fieldnames def _getline(self, line): dialect = self.dialect if dialect.left_border: if dialect.strict and not line.startswith(dialect.left_border): raise ValidationError('row did not have the correct left border') line = line[len(dialect.left_border):] if dialect.right_border: if dialect.strict and not line.endswith(dialect.right_border): raise ValidationError('row did not have the correct right border') line = line[:-len(dialect.right_border)] row = list() # Adding delimiter at beginning so that validation doesn't need to be # special-cased for the first cell. line = dialect.cell_delimiter + line for width in self.widths: delimiter = line[0:len(dialect.cell_delimiter)] if dialect.strict and delimiter != dialect.cell_delimiter: raise ValidationError('Cell was not delimited properly') line = line[len(dialect.cell_delimiter):] contents = line[:width] if dialect.strip: contents = contents.strip() row.append(contents) line = line[width:] if line: raise ValidationError('There was garbage at the end of the input') return tuple(row) def _rowdelim(self, delimiter): dialect = self.dialect delimcontents = list() for rawwidth in self._widths: swidth = str(rawwidth) try: width = int(swidth) except ValueError: width = int(swidth[1:]) delimcontents.append(delimiter * width) delim = '' if dialect.left_border: delim = dialect.corner_border delim += dialect.corner_border.join(delimcontents) if dialect.right_border: delim += dialect.corner_border return delim def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): fieldnames = self.fieldnames if self.__finished: raise StopIteration try: line = next(self._iter).strip('\r\n') if self.__row_delimiter: # Deal with alternating delimiters if not self.__first_line: if line != self.__row_delimiter: if line == self.__bottom: self.__foundbottom = True self.__finished = True raise StopIteration if self.dialect.strict: raise ValidationError("This row wasn't properly delimited") line = next(self._iter).strip('\r\n') else: if line == self.__bottom: self.__foundbottom = True self.__finished = True raise StopIteration except StopIteration: # Try to detect if the bottom was found. If the bottom wasn't # found, make sure the bottom doesn't match the row delimiter, which # would prevent the bottom from being detected at all if self.dialect.strict and not (self.__foundbottom or self.__row_delimiter == self.__bottom): raise ValidationError("This table wasn't properly terminated") raise StopIteration self.__first_line = False return self._getline(line)
[docs]class DictReader(Iterator): """Fixed-table table dictionary reader, reading tables with predefined column-sizes. The :class:`texttables.Dialect` class is used to configure how this reads tables. Tables are read one row at a time. This is a simple convenience frontend to :class:`texttables.fixed.reader`. This is an iterable, returning rows from the table as dictionaries.""" def __init__(self, file, widths, dialect=None, fieldnames=None, **fmtparams): """ All the passed in construction parameters are passed to the :class:`texttables.fixed.reader` constructor literally. All properties also align directly as well. """ self._reader = reader(file, widths, dialect, fieldnames, **fmtparams) self._iter = iter(self._reader) @property def file(self): return self._reader.file @property def widths(self): return self._reader.widths @property def dialect(self): return self._reader.dialect @dialect.setter def dialect(self, value): self._reader.dialect = value @property def fieldnames(self): return self._reader.fieldnames def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): row = next(self._iter) return {key: value for key, value in zip(self.fieldnames, row)}