Source code for texttables.dynamic._writer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 Taylor C. Richberger <>
# This code is released under the license described in the LICENSE file

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip

from texttables.fixed import writer as fixedwriter

[docs]class writer(object): """Dynamic-table document writer, writing tables with computed column-sizes. The :class:`texttables.Dialect` class is used to configure how this writes tables. This works as a context manager, in which case :meth:`finish` will be called automatically. This class does not actually write anything out until :meth:`finish` is called (or the context manager is exited) because it needs the information from all rows before it knows how wide to make all the columns.""" def __init__(self, file, alignments=None, dialect=None, **fmtparams): """ :param file: A writable file object with a ``write`` method :param alignments: An iterable of alignments. Each alignment may be <, >, =, or ^, for alignment through the Python format specification. :param dialect: A dialect class or object used to define aspects of the table. The stored dialect is always an instance of :class:`texttables.Dialect`, not necessarily the passed-in object. All the attributes of Dialect are grabbed from this object using getattr. :param fmtparams: parameters to override the parameters in :obj:`dialect`. """ self._file = file self._alignments = alignments self._dialect = dialect self._fmtparams = fmtparams self._header = None self._rows = list() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.finish() @property def file(self): '''The file object that was passed in to the constructor. It is not safe to change this object until you are finished using the class''' return self._file @property def dialect(self): '''The passed-in dialect. This does not behave like the fixed dialects, because it does not actually construct a :class:`texttables.Dialect` until :meth:`finish` is called.''' return self._dialect @dialect.setter def dialect(self, value): self._dialect = value @property def rows(self): '''Get or set the total rows. This will override all rows passed in with :meth:`writerow` and :meth:`writerows`''' return self._rows @rows.setter def rows(self, value): self._rows = value
[docs] def writeheader(self, header): '''Set the header to be written out''' self._header = header
[docs] def writerow(self, row): '''Add a row to the row set to be written out. This does not write anything, and is only named as such for uniformity :param row: an iterable representing a row to write ''' self._rows.append(row)
[docs] def writerows(self, rows): '''Add rows to the row set to be written out. This does not write anything, and is only named as such for uniformity :param rows: An iterable of iterables representing the rows to write ''' self._rows.extend(rows)
[docs] def finish(self): '''Write the top, the bottom, the header (if present), and all rows out with proper delimitation to :meth:`file`, respecting the dialect''' # Initiate all widths to 0 widths = [0 for i in self._rows[0]] def checkwidths(row): for i in range(len(row)): size = len(row[i]) if size > widths[i]: widths[i] = size # Iterate all rows to find which is the largest cell for each column checkwidths(self._header) for row in self._rows: checkwidths(row) if self._alignments is not None: widths = ['{}{}'.format(alignment, width) for alignment, width in zip(self._alignments, widths)] with fixedwriter(self._file, widths, self._dialect, **self._fmtparams) as w: header = self._header if header is not None: w.writeheader(header) for row in self._rows: w.writerow(row)
[docs]class DictWriter(object): """Dynamic-table document writer, writing tables with predefined column-sizes and names through dictionary rows passed in. The :class:`texttables.Dialect` class is used to configure how this writes tables. This is a simple convenience frontend to :class:`texttables.dynamic.writer`. This works as a context manager, in which case :meth:`finish` will be called automatically. """ def __init__(self, file, fieldnames, alignments=None, dialect=None, **fmtparams): """ All the passed in construction parameters are passed to the :class:`texttables.dynamic.writer` constructor literally. All properties and most methods also align directly as well. """ self._writer = writer(file, alignments, dialect, **fmtparams) self._fieldnames = fieldnames def __enter__(self): self._writer.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._writer.__exit__(type, value, traceback) @property def file(self): return self._writer.file @property def dialect(self): return self._writer.dialect @property def fieldnames(self): return self._fieldnames @fieldnames.setter def fieldnames(self, value): self._fieldnames = value
[docs] def writeheader(self): '''Set the header based on :meth:`fieldnames`.''' self._writer.writeheader(self._fieldnames)
[docs] def writerow(self, row): '''Write a row based on :meth:`fieldnames`. :param row: A dictionary representing a row.''' self._writer.writerow(tuple(row[field] for field in self._fieldnames))
[docs] def writerows(self, rows): '''Write rows based on :meth:`fieldnames`. :param row: An iterable of dictionaries representing rows.''' for row in rows: self.writerow(row)